

Announcement of 2016 AGU Fall Meeting

时   间:12-16 December, 2016
地   点:San Francisco

Welcome to the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting! The AGU Fall Meeting is the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world. Now in its 49th year, the AGU Fall Meeting is the best place to present your research, hear about the latest discoveries, trends and challenges in the field, and make connections. The meeting offers a unique mix of more than 20,000 oral and poster presentations, with more than 1700 sessions.

The 2016 AGU Fall Meeting will be held in San Francisco during 12-16 December, 2016. The abstract submission deadline is approaching, which is 3 August, 2016 (11:59 P.M. EDT). You can submit your abstract through the website http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2016/abstract-submissions/. Those who submit their abstracts by Wednesday, 27 July (11:59 P.M. EDT) will be entered for a chance to be a Fall Meeting VIP during the meeting. The privileges of being a Fall Meeting VIP are as follows: (1) Express access to the Speaker Ready Room (no waiting in line) OR free poster printing service, (2) Front-row seating for two at all keynote lectures, (3) Complimentary coat check service, (4) Complimentary round-trip airport transfer; (5) VIP gift bag. (Details are available from the following link: http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2016/early-abstract-submission/).

Student Travel Grants are available for a limited number of students and young scientists planning to attend the 2016 Fall Meeting. The applications opens on 15 June, 2016, and close on 10 August, 2016. Details are available from the following link: http://education.agu.org/grants/student-travel-grants-application-requirements/.  

About AGU:

Invitation Letter from Ms. Margaret Leinen, AGU President :