

题  目:Energy Options for China in Sustainable Development                                                 
时  间:2006年10月26日(周四)下午2:00

地  点:北京大学英杰交流中心第六会议室



  张东柯现任澳大利亚技术科学与工程院院士、柯腾技术大学化学工程教授(兼清洁生产教授)、西澳燃料与能源研究中心创始人及主任,3D Reactions责任有限公司的创始人和总裁,同时兼任BHPBilliton Irone Ore 技术顾问,Hurricane Energy Ltd首席科学家和总技术师,美国铝业公司(Alcoa)世界可持续发展基金会理事, Wesfarmers Energy Ltd技术顾问,Griffin Coal技术顾问,Chemeq Ltd技术顾问,Hydrogen Technology Ltd董事及技术顾问。      
  在过去的十二年里张东柯获得了1200万澳元的科研经费,发表了300余篇学术论文,有三项专利和十多项主要技术被工业界使用,共指导了32名博士和2名硕士研究生。1995年被聘为华中理工大学客座教授,1996年获国际燃烧协会最高奖大卫.瓦壬奖,1997年被聘任东南大学客座教授,1998年获阿德雷得大学的最佳研究生导师称号,2000年获英国皇家化学工程师协会与澳工程师协会联合颁发的契登.幽德大奖,2001年获国际燃烧协会亚太地区燃烧双年会年轻科学家奖,2002年入选中国科学院海外评审专家,2002年起担任《科学通报》特邀编辑(燃烧与工程热物理),2003年被聘任中科院山西煤炭化学研究所博士导师和兼职研究员、华南理工大学名誉教授,2004年入选澳大利亚技术科学与工程院院士。2005年被聘任华南理工大学名誉教授,重庆大学兼职教授、太原理工大学客座教授、并受聘担任《燃料化学学报》编委, 2006年起担任澳大利亚技术科学与工程院主席团常务理事。

Sustainable development requires cheap, secure, reliable and environmental-friendly energy supply and use. None of the current energy options, including natural gas, oil, coal, nuclear and renewables, and the current ways of their use, could fully meet the needs of growing economy and sustainability requirements in the long run. Evolutionary changes in the current energy systems to improve efficiency, eliminate pollutant emissions and reduce greenhouse gas per unit energy output are the most important first step in the sustainable energy development. Revolutionary technology innovations in energy sources and use, through continuing R&D effort, must occur before a genuine sustainable state could be reached. It has been recognised that, on a global scale, coal and natural gas have a critical role to play in the transitional path towards a sustainable future, with progressive penetration of renewables, particularly biomass, in the total energy mix. This is especially true for China and Australia.
Under the above bold vision, the Centre for Fuels and Energy at Curtin University of Technology is committed to industry-centred, applied and basic research relating to energy conversion technologies under Laissez-Faire.
In this seminar, the speaker compares and analyses the energy production and consumption statistics of China and Australia, bench-marked against the United States, Japan and Korea. This analysis logically leads to several key recommendations for China’s sustainable energy development, including policy setting, R&D needs, as well as international energy trade strategies.
The speaker also wishes to briefly share with the audience his successful (and failure) experience in energy R&D, based on an analysis of the relationship between basic research and technological innovation. Major research programs, research infrastructure and advanced techniques, significant research outputs and their applications are briefly outlined. These include coal and biomass, natural gas, catalysis, and poly-generation and multi product developments.
It is hoped that this seminar would provide an initial foundation for further discussion between Curtin University of Technology and Beijing University to establish a collaborative relationship in sustainable energy development.