题 目:Nonlinear Evolution of Ocean Waves
报告人: Prof. Michael Stiassnie
Division Head
Division of Environmental, Water and Agricultural Engineering,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
时 间:2006年9月1日(星期五)
地 点:北京大学力学系434会议室
In this talk, I will attempt to convey my personal points of view about this rather broad topic. The presentation will focus on my own past, present and future research activities, and will include the following items: Why nonlinear; Zakharov Equation; Modified Zakharov Equation; Cubic Schr?dinger Equation; Discretized Zakharov Equation; Wave Forecasting; Hasselmann's Kinetic Equation; Alber's Equation; Correlation Function for Homogeneous Seas; Instability of Inhomogeneous Disturbances; New Recurrent Solutions of Alber's Equation.
联系人:北京大学工学院 张珊珊 (Tel. 6275-1138)