地点: 英杰交流中心 第四会议室
9:30--10:10 工学院各系介绍
10:10--11:40 明尼苏达大学介绍
11:40—12:10 开放讨论
(1) Dr. Steven L. Crouch, Theodore W. Bennett Professor and Dean, Institute of Technology;
(2) Dr. Bin He, Professor and Director, Biomedical Functional Imaging and Neuroengineering Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Technology;
(3) Dr. Daniel Joseph, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Member of the US Academy of Science, and Member of the US Academy of Engineering;
(4) Dr. Mostafa Koveh, Centennial Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Associate Dean for Research and Planning, Institute of Technology;
(5) Dr. David You-Hong Pui, Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Director of the Particle Technology Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering;
(6) Dr. Hong Yang, Director, China Center; Director, Mingda Institute for Leadership Training;
(7) Dr. Pen-Chung Yew, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering;
We are seeking to develop research collaborations between faculty and students in the Institute of Technology, University of Minnesota, and several leading Chinese universities. To facilitate meaningful exchanges, we will establish a small grants program that will provide funding for researchers to visit each others' laboratories for periods ranging from a few weeks to a few months each year.
The following areas have initially been identified for these research exchanges:
Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics
Biomedical Engineering
Computer Science
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Other areas in science and engineering will be considered if sufficient interest exists.