



2022-至今 北京大学,工学院先进制造与机器人系,助理教授
2019-2021 美国加州理工学院,机械工程系,博士后,合作导师:Chiara Daraio教授


2014-2019 美国佐治亚理工学院,土木工程系,博士,导师:Glaucio H. Paulino教授
2016-2017 日本东京大学,情报与图形科学部,访问研究生,合作导师:Tomohiro Tachi教授
2012-2014 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,土木工程系,硕士
2009-2013 浙江大学,土木工程系,学士





长期致力于柔性结构的研究,取得了一系列具有影响力的工作成果。近五年来,在Science Robotics、Nature Communications、Physical Review Letters、Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids等高水平期刊上发表论文十余篇。代表性成果包括: 1)研发了一种可自由变形为各种三维构型的曲面软体机器人;2)基于一种新型折纸结构,实现了具有任意正负泊松比的可编辑力学超材料;3)提出了非刚性折纸结构的非线性力学理论,并发布了开源程序等。


Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kWjWFvAAAAAJ&hl),

ResearchID (https://publons.com/researcher/3039407/ke-liu/)

1. K. Liu, F. Hacker, C. Daraio. Robotic surfaces with reversible, spatiotemporal control for shape morphing and object manipulation. Science Robotics, 6:eabf5116, 2021.

2. K. Liu, T. Tachi, G. H. Paulino. Origami metamaterial with metastable phases through mechanical phase transitions. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 88(9): 091002,2021.

3. K. Liu, L. Novelino, P. Gardoni, G. H. Paulino. Big influence of small random imperfections in origami-based metamaterials. Proceedings of the Royal Society – A, 476: 20200236, 2020. Featured on the cover.

4. K. Liu, T. Tachi, G. H. Paulino. Invariant and smooth limit of discrete geometry folded from bistable origami leading to multistable metasurfaces. Nature Communications, 10: 4238, 2019.

5. K. Liu, T. Zegard, P. P. Pratapa, and G. H. Paulino. Unraveling tensegrity tessellations for metamaterials with tunable stiffness and bandgaps. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 131:147-166, 2019.

6. P. P. Pratapa*, K. Liu*, and G. H. Paulino. Geometric mechanics of origami patterns exhibiting Poisson's ratio switch by breaking Mountain and Valley assignment. Physical Review Letters, 122:155501, 2019. *co-first author.

7. K. Liu, G. H. Paulino. Tensegrity topology optimization by force maximization on arbitrary ground structures. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 59(6):2041-2062, 2019.

8. K. Liu, G. H. Paulino. Nonlinear mechanics of non-rigid origami: An efficient computational approach. Proceedings of the Royal Society–A. 473:20170348, 2017.

9. K. Liu*, J. Wu*, G. H. Paulino, and H. J. Qi. Programmable Deployment of Tensegrity Structures by Stimulus-Responsive Polymers. Scientific Reports. 7:3511, 2017. *co-first author. In collections: Top 100 in Materials Science,Editor’s choice.

10. K. Liu, G. H. Paulino, P. Gardoni. Segmental multi-point linearization for parameter sensitivity approximation in reliability analysis. Structural Safety, 62:101-115, 2016.

11. K. Liu, G. H. Paulino, P. Gardoni. Reliability-based topology optimization using a new method for sensitivity approximation - application to ground structures. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 54(3):553-571, 2016.