






2021.09 - 至今: 北京大学工学院,助理教授,特聘研究员,博士生导师
2020.10 - 2021.08: 香港理工大学机械工程系,助理教授,博士生导师
2019.09 - 2020.09: 普林斯顿大学化学与生物工程系,博士后研究员



2013.09 - 2019.08: 普林斯顿大学,机械与航空航天工程系,博士(导师:Yiguang Ju)
2008.09 – 2012.06: 东南大学,热能与动力工程,理学学士





2019:获得美国科学玻璃技艺协会最佳论文奖 (“Karl H. Walther Award”)



[1] Hao Zhao*, Chao Yan, Tianhan Zhang, Guoming Ma, Michael J. Souza, Chongwen Zhou, and Yiguang Ju, Studies of high-pressure n-butane oxidation with CO2 dilution up to 100 atm using a supercritical-pressure jet-stirred reactor, Proc. Combust. Inst. 38 (2021) 279-287.

[2] Hao Zhao*, Shixiang Liu, Can Huang, Chao Yan, Yongfeng Qi, Feng Zhang, Yiguang Ju, Studies of ozone-sensitized low- and high-temperature oxidations of diethyl carbonate, J. Phys. Chem. A 125 (2021) 1760-1765.

[3] Hao Zhao*, Ningbo Zhao, Tianhan Zhang, Shuqun Wu, Guoming Ma, Chao Yan, Yiguang Ju, Studies of multi-channel spark ignition of lean n-pentane/air mixtures in a spherical chamber, Combust. Flame 212 (2020) 337-344.

[4] Hao Zhao*, Zunhua Zhang, Yacine Rezgui, Ningbo Zhao, Yiguang Ju, Studies of high pressure 1,3-butadiene flame speeds and high temperature chemistry using hydrogen and oxygen sensitization, Combust. Flame 200 (2019) 135-141.

[5] (Co-first author) Zunhua Zhang, Hao Zhao*, Ling Cao, Gesheng Li, Yiguang Ju, Kinetic effects of n-heptane addition on low and high temperature oxidation of methane in a jet-stirred reactor, Energy. Fuels 32 (2018) 11970–11978.

[6] Hao Zhao*, Lingnan Wu, Charles Patrick, Zunhua Zhang, Yacine Rezgui, Xueliang Yang, Gerard Wysocki, Yiguang Ju, Study of low temperature oxidation of n-pentane with nitric oxide addition in a jet stirred reactor, Combust. Flame 197 (2018) 78-87.

[7] Hao Zhao*, Alon Dana, Zunhua Zhang, William Green, Yiguang Ju, Experimental and modeling study of the mutual oxidation of n-pentane and nitrogen dioxide at low and high temperatures in a jet stirred reactor, Energy 165 (2018) 727-738.

[8] Hao Zhao*, Michael Souza, Yiguang Ju, A supercritical jet-stirred reactor, Fusion: Journal of the American Scientific Glassblowers Society 66 (2018) 19-24.

[9] Hao Zhao*, Jiapeng Fu, Francis M. Haas, Yiguang Ju, Effect of prompt dissociation of formyl radical on 1, 3, 5-trioxane and CH2O laminar flame speeds with CO2 dilution at elevated pressure, Combust. Flame 183 (2017) 253-260.

[10] (Co-first author) Daniel Felsmann*, Hao Zhao, Qiang Wang, et al., Contributions to improving small ester combustion chemistry: Theory, model and experiments, Proc. Combust. Inst. 36 (2017) 543-551.

[11] Hao Zhao*, Xueliang Yang, Yiguang Ju, Kinetic studies of ozone assisted low temperature oxidation of dimethyl ether in a flow reactor using molecular-beam mass spectrometry, Combust. Flame 173 (2016) 187-194.

[12] Hao Zhao*, Guohui Song, Yuanyuan Yu, Novel technique route of coal gasification with CO2 capture using CaO sorbents via three-stage interconnected fluidized beds, Energy Fuels 26 (2012) 2934- 2941.