主要从事计算(流体)力学、流固耦合力学、多尺度与多相流动及先进制造数值模拟与仿真相关的研究与教学工作。出版英文专著两部,在《Journal of Computational Physics》、《Physics of Fluids》、《Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering》等期刊上发表SCI论文120多篇,引用9000多次,其中五年内SCI他引2000多次。是Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements与International Journal of Computational Methods副主编及其他多种国内外期刊的编委,ICCP、ICCM及ICMMES等多个重要系列国际会议的科学委员会委员;2008年以来曾50多次应邀在国内外重要学术会议、MIT及加州大学伯克利分校等世界著名大学做大会、专题或邀请报告,包括近20次大会报告。获得了一系列有国际影响力的荣誉和奖励,包括2001年MIT计算力学奖、2005年新加坡李光耀杰出研究奖、2007年亚太计算力学青年研究奖、2010年中科院“百人计划”、2012年中国侨界贡献奖、2016年世界华人计算力学学会杰出研究员奖、2017年教育部自然科学类一等奖, 2018年世界华人计算力学学会计算力学奖,以及2019国际计算方法大会国际计算方法奖;2015年以来蝉联入榜Elsevier计算力学领域中国高被引学者。
1. M. B. Liu*, G. R. Liu, Particle methods for multi-scale and multi-physics, World Scientific, 2015 (专著,ISBN: 978-981-4571962, www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9017)
2. G. R. Liu, M. B. Liu*, Smoothed particle hydrodynamics – A meshfree particle method, World Scientific, 2003 (专著,ISBN: 981-238-456-1, www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/5340).
1. M. B. Liu*, and Z. L. Zhang (2019) Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) for modeling fluid-structure interactions, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 62: 984701.
2. Z. L. Zhang, T. Long, J. Z. Chang, and M. B. Liu* (2019) A smoothed particle element method (SPEM) for modeling fluid–structure interaction problems with large fluid deformations, Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering, 365: 261–93.
3. T. Ye, D. Y. Pan, C. Huang, M. B. Liu* (2019) Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) for complex fluid flows: Recent developments in methodology and applications. Physics of Fluids. 31:011301 (ESI高被引).
4. Z. K. Wang, Y. J. Teng, M. B. Liu* (2019) A semi-resolved CFD-DEM approach for particulate flows with kernel based approximation and Hilbert curve based searching strategy. Journal of Computational Physics. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2019.01.017.
5. Z. L. Zhang, M. B. Liu* (2018) A decoupled finite particle method for modeling incompressible flows with free surfaces. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 60:606-633 (ESI高被引).
6. Z. L. Zhang, K. Walayat, J. Z. Chang, M. B. Liu* (2018) Meshfree modeling of a fluid-particle two-phase flow with an improved SPH method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 116(8):530-569.
7. Z. Chen, Z. Zong, M. B. Liu*, L. Zou, H. T. Li and C. Shu (2015) An SPH model for multiphase flows with complex interfaces and large density differences, Journal of Computational Physics 283: 169-188.
8. M. B. Liu*, G. R. Liu, L. V. Zhou and J. Z. Chang (2015) Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD): An Overview and Recent Developments, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 22(4):529-556.
9. J. R. Shao, H. Q. Li, G. R. Liu, M. B. Liu* (2012) An improved SPH method for modeling liquid sloshing dynamics. Computers & Structures. 100-101:18-26.
10. M. B. Liu* and G. R. Liu (2010) Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH): an overview and recent developments. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 17:25-76 (ESI高被引).