2012.2-现在 北京大学工学院材料科学与工程系 特聘研究员,博导
2008.4-2012.2 日本国立长冈技术科学大学物质材料系 特聘副教授
2007.10-2008.4 日本京都大学工学院研究科 博士研究员
2005.10-2007.10 日本学术振兴会(JSPS) 外国人特别研究员
2003.10—2005.10 日本科技振兴机构 (JST-CREST) 博士研究员
2000.3 — 2003.7 清华大学化工系高分子研究所(导师,王晓工和刘德山教授) 工学博士
1993.9 — 2000.3 河北工业大学化工系高分子研究所(导师,李佐邦教授)本科保送直硕
•2014年获得北京大学ExxonMobil 奖教金
•2011年美国化学会出版社(ACS) 优秀审稿人
•2011年The Chemical Record杂志读者赏
(1) Yu, H. F.*; Kobayasi, T. Chapter 5“Azobenzene-Containing Materials for Hologram”. (pp 95-117) “Holograms – Recording Materials and Applications” Edited by Naydenova I., ISBN 978-953-307-245-6, InTech - Open Access Publisher, Vienna, Austria
(2) Yu H. F.,* Ikeda T. Chapter 12 “Azobenzene block copolymers in solid state”. in Smart Light-Responsive Materials: Azobenzene -Containing Polymers and Liquid Crystals (Y. Zhao and T. Ikeda eds.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 2009, 411-455.
(10) Zhou W.; Yu, H. F.* “Conductive Hybrid Nanofibers Self-Assembled with Three Different Amphiphilic Salts” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2012, 4, 2154-2159.
(09) Yu, H. F.* ; Dong, C., Zhou, W.; Kobayasi, T.; Yang, H. “Photomechanical behaviors of Hybrid Films of Liquid-Crystalline Polymer Microparticles ” Small. 2011, 7, 3039-3045 (Frontispiece of issue 21).
(08) Yu, H. F.*; Kobayasi, T.; Yang, H. “Liquid-Crystalline Ordering Helps Block Copolymer Self-Assembly” Adv. Mater.2011, 23, 3337-3344 (“hot topic” in the field of Liquid Crystals) .
(07) Yu, H. F.*; Ikeda, T. “Photocontrollable Liquid-Crystalline Actuators” Adv. Mater. 2011, 23, 2149-2180. (Invited review article) (“hot topic” in the field of Liquid Crystals) .
(06) Yu, H. F.; Naka, Y.; Shishido, A.; Ikeda, T. “Well-Defined Liquid-Crystalline Diblock Copolymers with an Azobenzene Moiety: Synthesis, Photoinduced Alignment and their Holographic Properties” Macromolecules 2008, 41, 7959-7966.
(05) Yu, H. F.; Shishido, A.; Li, J.; Iyoda, T.; Ikeda, T. Stable Macroscopic Nanocylinder Arrays in An Amphiphilic Diblock Liquid-Crystalline Copolymer with Successive Hydrogen Bonds. J. Mater. Chem. 2007, 17, 3485-3488 (Cover picture).
(04) Yu, H. F.; Asaoka, S.; Shishido, A.; Iyoda, T.; Ikeda, T. “Nanoscale Cooperative Motions in a Novel Well-Defined Triblock Copolymer.” Small 2007, 3, 768-771.
(03) Yu, H. F.; Li, J.; Ikeda, T.; Iyoda, T. “Macroscopic Parallel Nanocylinder Array Fabrication Using a Simple Rubbing Technique” Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 2213-2215 (Cover picture).
(02) Yu, H. F.; Iyoda, T.; Ikeda, T. “Photoinduced Alignment of Nanocylinders by Supramolecular Cooperative Motions”J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 11010-11011.
(01) Yu, H. F.; Okano, K.; Shishido, A.; Ikeda, T.; Kamata, K.; Komura, M.; Iyoda, T. “Enhancement of Surface-Relief Gratings Recorded in Amphiphilic Liquid-Crystalline Diblock Copolymer by Nanoscale Phase Separation” Adv. Mater.2005, 17, 2184-2188.